October 22, 2024
What can you do with a journalism degree

What Can You Do With A Journalism Degree?

What Can You Do With A Journalism Degree? Read On To Find Out!

If you are considering signing up for a journalism degree, you have undoubtedly heard negative feedback from those that say that journalism is dead. But this isn’t the case at all: journalism has simply evolved into new media. Also, the rise of “fake news” means it is more important than ever to gain the right journalistic skills. We need young journalists with fresh voices and enthusiasm to take the reigns. So, what can you do with a journalism degree?

Setting yourself up for a career in print media

The dream for many students studying journalism still lies with more traditional outlets, such as print media. Perhaps you worked for your school or university newspaper and broke major stories. Wouldn’t it be great to build on that at a national paper? Don’t believe all those that say that print media is dead. It isn’t in the best shape due to the evolution of modern journalism, true. But there are still outlets out there that need skilled reported and writers. Be prepared to start small with mundane stories in your local paper. If you can make a name for yourself there you have a good chance of working your way up to bigger and better things.

What can you do with a journalism degree largely depends on you because newspapers and magazines offer the chance to specialize in an area of interest. Do you have aspirations to be a music journalist, sportswriter or a political analyst? Your experience and extracurricular activities during your time at university can help you get your foot in the door with specialist names. If you are still in the process of choosing your courses, consider adding in some that reflect these interests. A few politics, media and social studies modules can help.

How about a career in broadcast media?

The other traditional pathway following a journalism degree is to work in broadcast media. This means working within television or radio to produce news stories and documentaries. If you are asking what can you do with a journalism degree and have a desire to be in front of the camera, you could apply to be an interviewer for local news stations. Stations will always need writers and researchers to prepare the scripts and fact check reports. You might have to start down the bottom of the ladder with assistant roles or even intern work. But this gives you a foundation to work your way up to bigger and better things.

Of course, you could go it alone and create your own work and documentaries with your own message. Whether you love or hate his work, you can’t deny that Michael Moore is a prime example of developing a personal style and independent career after journalism school. The beauty of social media and YouTube means that it is easier than ever to get noticed and create a viral video. Put your knowledge of communication, direction and media law to use with your own analysis or expose. If you can get an audience and a distributor then you are on your way to a career in the industry.

Social media is an important outlet for many new journalism graduates

The main reason that people say that print media is dead is the rise of social media. We all get so much news from our Twitter feeds that we rarely buy a physical newspaper. Some of us won’t bother to turn on the TV for a scheduled news bulletin because we saw the headlines in a rolling feed. All news agencies need a strong social media presence in order to break stories and gain more attention than rival networks. This means hiring young journalists with social media and marketing skills. This is where new graduates have an advantage over those that have been involved in traditional media for a long time.

Social media and marketing jobs don’t just relate to all those news outlets trying to spread their big scoops, viral content and a few travel updates. There are lots of businesses out there that need a strong social media presence for marketing and promotion. They could put out an ad or a press release on print or broadcast media. Or, they could have their team create something direct and on-brand on Twitter, Facebook and Instragram. If you are in the process of choosing your path through your journalism degree, consider specializing in marketing, content creation and other digital tools.

Using your transferable skills from your journalism degree

One of the best things about taking a journalism course is that it teaches you how to be a better writer. Therefore, you don’t have to have a specific journalism-focused career in mind to get a lot out of your course. Your newfound writing skills will transfer over to other creative projects that you have in mind. Your course should contain plenty of opportunities to develop your voice as a writer and some of the fundamentals that were missing from your high-school education. For example, did you know that both Olivia Munn and Brad Pitt have journalism degrees? Munn started off as a television journalist and Daily Show correspondent before evolving into her acting career.

If you have a lot to say on a subject and want to connect with an audience over time, you could consider becoming a professional blogger. This is a good way of getting your writing out to your target audience without the constraints of an editor at a magazine or news station. You can monetize the blogs for a steady income and build a career on something that you are passionate about.

What can you do with a journalism degree? Not give up on a career in journalism

The answer to the question What can you do with a journalism degree? starts by ignoring those who say that there is no place for real journalism in the world anymore. Many who say this just don’t appreciate what modern journalism is all about. They probably also lack the skills in digital media and marketing that you will gain from your course. A journalism degree is a chance to unlock a host of skills and gain experience for a bright future. You may not take a direct route into print or broadcast media, but those opportunities are still out there for those willing to rise through the ranks. Alternatively, you can forge your own path to get your voice out there.