October 22, 2024


A Pandemic Reflection
By Carmen Greger

Silent whispers fill school halls,
Empty cubicles, corporate falls.
Grocery shelves, once plentiful, bare—
A world paused, a lesson in care.

Until Further Notice…

Families stroll, their bonds tight-knit,
Strangers no more, neighbors sit.
Birds and squirrels in playful spree,
Amidst the chaos, nature’s decree.

Until Further Notice…

Hospitals brim, heroes in scrubs,
Facing more than their hearts can absorb.
Masks, tests, breaths fought to be won,
In the dance of life, under the same sun.

Until Further Notice…

Media crossfires, politics’ blaze,
Leaders with heart, through the haze,
Emerge as beacons of truth and grace,
While deceit’s architects find their place.

Until Further Notice…

With tender hearts and fearful minds,
We stand united, our fates entwined.
A collective tear for lives lost,
In this tempest tossed.

Until Further Notice…

“Stay safe, stay home,” the signs implore,
A reminder of the bonds we bore.
Differences cast aside, anew,
In this storm, we find what’s true.

Until Further Notice…

Food banks ebb and flow with care,
Hands unite to show they’re there.
Gratitude in every heart,
From each other, we shall not part.

Until Further Notice…

Economies waver, yet we stand strong,
Understanding where we truly belong.
Together, awakening, hearts refill,
In solidarity, a collective will.

Until Further Notice…

Technology’s leap, once overlooked,
Now, in gratitude, our lives booked.
New ways to work, learn, and connect,
In isolation, we reflect.

Until Further Notice…

Purpose sought, in quiet we dive,
Exploring passions, we come alive.
Skills honed, in solitude’s embrace,
Finding light in a slowed-down space.

Until Further Notice…

Time’s gift, now fully seen,
In moments quiet, serene.
Life’s fleeting dance, a precious chance,
To cherish every glance.

Until Further Notice…

Calm’s calling in the slowing tide,
Time to purge, let go of pride.
For a new normal, hearts prepare,
In this pause, a chance to care.

Until Further Notice…

Gifts nurtured, together we rise,
Brighter, kinder, under open skies.
A unity forged from trial’s fire,
In collective hope, we aspire.

Until Further Notice…

Seeing each other, truly seen,
In unity, our spirits keen.
Honoring all, near and far,
Together, we heal the scars.

Until Further Notice…

Local and global, hearts entwine,
Choosing love, over fear’s decline.
A concerted effort, hands extend,
To those we love, strangers and friends.

Until Further Notice…

Making a difference, in the now,
Rebirth’s call, to which we bow.
The time is ripe for change, for growth,
In unity, we take the oath.

Until Further Notice…

Understanding finally this shall pass,
Memories of this time, en masse.
A future brighter, within our grasp,
In our actions, let compassion clasp.

Until Further Notice…

Cultivating, healing, we engage,
In this chapter, on life’s stage.
Making the most, in time so dear,
For a better tomorrow, we steer.

Until Further Notice…

Hearts open, visions expand,
Embracing all, hand in hand.
In our differences, beauty we find,
Together, we mend humankind.

Until Further Notice…

Angels among us, divinely placed,
In purity, our lives graced.
With actions kind, hearts aligned,
Our souls, in light, intertwined.

Until Further Notice…

When normalcy’s bustle returns,
May the essence of kindness burn.
Staying true to compassion’s course,
In love, we find our ultimate source.

Until Further Notice…

Today, make the most, for it’s all we’ve got,
Grounded in love, a transformative thought.
No guarantees, but in each moment, a lesson taught.
Embrace life fully, without a second thought.

Until Further Notice…

Let’s recognize the blessings we’ve found,
In simple joys, let our hearts abound.
Overflow with gratitude, let love be our guide,
Till the end of days, in this ride.

Until Further Notice…

May we cherish the air, the sun, the rain,
Finding peace amid the pain.
In every act, in every deed,
Let’s plant love’s everlasting seed.

Until Further Notice…

May we emerge, from this test, refined,
With a deeper love for all mankind.
In every smile, in every face,
A reflection of love’s endless grace.

Until Further Notice…

As we tread this shared path, side by side,
Let compassion be our guide.
For in each heart, a light does dwell,
In this journey, together we excel.

Until Further Notice…

So here’s to the now, to the beauty we weave,
To the love we give, and in return, receive.
For in this moment, life’s true essence,
A call to love and be loved; Our greatest gift is our genuine presence.

Until Further Notice…